Integration with ConnectSecure (CyberCNS)


About this integration

ControlMap connects to the ConnectSecure vulnerability scanner to fetch the list of

- Companies

- Assets

- Vulnerabilities

- Security metrics of the assets collected



The CyberCNS integration with ControlMap only supports CyberCNS v4. If you are currently on V3 or earlier, please follow the Replication of Agents to V4 guide.

How to Connect

ControlMap requires the following to connect to ConnectSecure APIs. 

- Base URL

- Tenant Name

- Client ID

- Client Secret


Please follow the steps below to connect to ConnectSecure.


1. Getting Base URL & Tenant ID


Tenant Name is the name you use to connect to your CyberCNS portal - 

Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 2.28.41 PM.png

ConnectSecure Base URL is a combination of your POD Number and the ConnectSecure portal URL. 

for example 


To see your POD Number, click the Info button in the upper right corner of ConnectSecure.


2. Get Client ID and Secret

Within ConnectSecure, navigate to Settings -> Users. Next to an admin account click the Actions button and select API Key to see the Client ID and Client Secret.


Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 2.35.07 PM.png

Record the Client ID and Client Secret.

3. Authenticating the integration

Now that you have the Tenant, Base URL, Client ID and Client Secret we're ready to connect the integration.

Log into your ControlMap MSP Portal and navigate to Integrations tab at the top.

Click the Add Integration button and select CyberCNS from the list.

Enter the required details and click Save and Next to complete the setup of the integration.

Any questions? Reach out to our friendly, neighborhood support team by submitting a support ticket.