MSP Multi-Tenant Dashboard

Multi-tenant MSP Dashboard

ControlMap is built to support multi-tenancy and manage multiple client company's / tenants from a single admin interface known as the MSP Dashboard. A new release of the MSP Dashboard was released Q1 2024. 

A video walkthrough of the MSP Dashboard is available here from Solution Engineer Tulsie Narine

The MSP Dashboard home screen below contains both a list of company's / tenants in both a "Card" view and "List" view as shown below: 

Card view of company tenants:

Some noteworthy features include:

+ "Add Company" button in the top right corner

+ "Launch" buttons for each company tenant

+ "Overview" button provides additional information along with the Progress / Framewok / Details information within the company card itself

+ "Settings" configuration using the 3 dots button on either card or list view to invite other admin users / disable whitelisting / delete tenant


Click on "Progress" or "Framework" or "Details" for differing company information:

Prospect Tenants + Pre Assessment:

There is a new feature for Prospective Tenants that allows you to run through a Pre-Assessment and provide a Pre-Assessment Report without costing a license. You can setup and run as many prospective tenants as you like and you will not be charged a license until you active the tenant.

You can see the difference between an Active Tenant and a Prospect Tenant by the grey background and additional features to run the Pre-Assessment as shown below.   

List view of company tenants:  

Provides similar features with different view - similar to previous MSP Dashboard


Manage your MSP admin users here along with viewing your activity and licenses in use.

Co-Branding is also managed here - more info on help center article: co-branding


Manage your multi-tenant integrations here. Single tenant integrations such as Azure / AWS / HR etc. will be managed within the company tenant itself where as multi-tenant integrations where a single API key links to multiple company's will be managed here so that you may link the data to the correct company account.

Multi-tenant integrations include: 

+ ScalePad's Lifecycle Manager which is used to integrate to RMM's and PSA's (Help Article ScalePad LM Integration)

+ Nodeware Vulnerability Scanner (Help Article Nodeware Integration)

+ ConnectSecure (cyberCNS) Vulnerability Scanner (Help Article ConnectSecure Integration)

+ Breach Secure Now Security Awareness Training (Help Article BSN Integration)


A centralized library of custom documents for Policies / Procedures / Governance is available. Use this feature to manage centralized library of customized templates you wish to distribute to multiple company tenants. Each company will come populated with the pre-built ControlMap list of templates and you can add your own templates here then distribute them by checking the boxes and clicking "Share" as shown below.


A centralized library of custom assessments can be built and managed here. Use this feature to create custom assessments with optional guidance which can be distribute dto multiple company tenants. Each company will come populated with the pre-built ControlMap assessment for each supported framework, in addition you can add your own customized assessments here then distribute them by clicking the "Actions" 3 dots and clicking "Share" or other actions as shown below.